Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dehydrating Leftover Sweet Potatoes

It seems when I get sweet potatoes, there are always more than Mike and I can eat before the last few go bad.  This time, I decided to prevent that from happening. I tossed a bunch of sweet potatoes in the crock pot the other day and cooked them; no liquids, just dry roasted them in the crock pot. That’s pretty easy.
As long as they are not oiled or buttered, they can be dehydrated.  You can always butter them when you serve them.  We are learning more and more about how NOT to season certain foods, which makes the leftovers more acceptable for dehydrating.

Linda's Note: Think in terms of adding butter when you get it on your place, not in the main dish of food. 

1/4 inch Slices

We ate on them for three days, but I was getting a little concerned about their refrigerator “life”. After peeling them, I decided to slice them into rounds to dehydrate. 

Linda’s Note: you can also mash or puree them and dry in ¼ to ½ cup plops for use in other recipes.


These rounds were dehydrated at 115º for about a day and a half. They become very hard when dry, but rehydrate fairly quickly. 

Linda’s Note: I found that cooked sweet potatoes rehydrate much faster than raw sweet potatoes.   

What to do with dehydrated sweet potato slices:
  • Rehydrate and use in sweet potato casserole, seasoned with butter and brown sugar
  • Rehydrate in orange juice for a really interesting casserole.
  • Munch as a snack
  • Dogs love ‘em just as is

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! My pups LOVE these as treats and they are so much cheaper than the pre-packaged treats from the pet store. Thanks for the idea!
